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Holistic Nutrition

Proper nutrition is vital to a healthy, rewarding lifestyle. At Lakeside Natural Health Centre, we have a holistic approach to nutrition and take the whole person into account. Holistic nutrition therapy means introducing new, healthy food options that work for each patient’s individual lifestyle.

When discussing your nutritional needs, we understand the importance of considering everything that affects your daily life, from physical to mental and emotional health. A holistic nutritionist at our health & wellness clinic will help you incorporate whole, natural foods in your diet to improve your quality of life.

Treating a variety of health conditions

Holistic nutrition is an important tool that has been used to treat:

  • PMS
  • allergies
  • chronic infections
  • IBS
  • arthritis
  • diabetes
  • elevated cholesterol
  • chronic fatigue
  • weight gain and more.


Contact the clinic to book a session with our qualified holistic nutritionist.

Let’s get you started on your
path to better health.