Written by Jennifer Hyland, RMT
We know that we should see our dentist twice a year for a check-up… but how do you decide when to schedule a massage? Regular appointments with a Massage Therapist can help you to maintain your health, and prevent injuries.
In general, if you’ve never had a massage before, I suggest booking one as soon as possible. Your initial appointment with your therapist can help you identify any posture patterns that you can work to correct, soft tissue dysfunction or muscle tension that can be addressed before it starts to hurt; and, of course, can work on any existing aches and pains. Even if you’re in perfect health, Massage Therapy can help to regulate your nervous system helping to reduce cortisol and other “stress” hormones, and to decrease inflammation and increase circulation. We know that chronic stress and inflammation lie at the root of many chronic diseases, so Massage Therapy could form part of your preventative health care plan.
If you have a current injury or chronic illness, your Registered Massage Therapist will work with you to create a treatment plan that helps you to improve as quickly as possible, and to maintain that progress.
For patients who are looking for regular maintenance and wellness treatments, everyone is different in terms of how often they need or want a massage. A few suggestions:
- Weekly massages if you’re going through a stressful time and want help managing overall wellness
- A seasonal check-in every 3-4 months if you’re healthy and active, and want to prevent injuries
- Monthly massages if you find yourself performing repetitive movements at work (too much computer time, heavy lifting, or all day on your feet), and want treatment and exercises to manage those aches and pains
- Increasing how often your massage therapy appointments are if you’re increasing your activity level (training for your first 5k or leading up to your next Ironman)
- Booking yourself a massage treatment a few days after an event that puts a lot of stress on your body (a long plane ride, writing your final exams, a cross-fit competition or keeping your mouth open for an hour at the dentist)
Contact our team at Lakeside Natural Health Centre to see if we have an appointment that suits your schedule. In many cases, you can submit your invoice to a workplace extended health care benefit plan which will reimburse all or a portion of your treatment costs.