“Have you or a loved one been helped by your Naturopath?”

Dear Patients,

We are reaching out to all of you, to update you on changes that are being implemented for Naturopathic Doctors.

The government of Ontario has proposed two regulatory amendments that, if approved, will severely limit the ability of Naturopathic Doctors to provide care to you, their patients.

The ability of Naturopathic Doctors to order necessary and essential tests for a Naturopathic assessment, diagnosis and treatment will be limited if the pending regulatory amendments to the Laboratory and Specimen Collection Centre Licensing Act, 1990 are not amended. Naturopathic Doctors will also not be authorized to order tests from laboratories external to Ontario.   Many of these tests are essential to Naturopathic Medical care.

There is a new petition/letter for patients to submit to ensure the government knows that we want to reassess our access to lab tests outside of Ontario for the continuity of care for our patients. 

We would greatly appreciate you taking a moment to follow this link: https://www.oand.org/email-to-target/?inf_contact_key=7cc957859f7ecf7943154192d932b601d2a03b49a81257155e0c7a11546fd264
and entering your information to let your voices be heard.

The goal is to have 10 000 signatures on this by June 5th and so far there are over 7000 signatures so let’s show the government that we mean business and that our services are critical to healthcare within this province.

Lakeside Natural Health Centre Team