Talitha Reis is a Registered Acupuncturist and Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner who is passionate about treating musculoskeletal pain, infertility, women’s health, neurological conditions, and chronic conditions affecting our aging population. Talitha treats patients in all stages of pregnancy, including labor and postpartum.
Her practice is geared to patients of all ages and centres around finding the root cause of illness. She utilizes all modalities within the Chinese medical framework, including acupuncture, moxibustion, herbal medicine, cupping, gua-sha and tuina massage. Talitha is also certified in the practice of Brazilian Lymphatic Drainage Massage.
Talitha is a graduate of the Traditional Chinese Medicine program at Eight Branches Academy of Eastern Medicine, and earned her acupuncture diploma at the Institute of Traditional Medicine in Toronto. She is also a registered member of the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of Ontario.